Thursday, September 3, 2009

HW interview: Italy's DARK DOOR

HAILSwebzine overseer Leja Siv Harjo recently sat down with Naples, Italy-based Goth-Metal trio DARK DOOR and asked Noctifer (drummer) to hammer out the answers to our questions.

Below, the fruit of her endeavor:

HW: What is the metal scene like out in Italy these days? Are there alot of metal bands and fans?

DD: Yes, there are many bands at the moment in Italy, very good musicians with new and interesting ideas, but what is missing is just the will of who rules the music commerce to invest in the underground panorama. A really sad thing!

HW: What attracted the three of you to metal? When did you first come upon it and decide it was something you wanted to be a part of for yourselves?

DD: It's a passion we felt since we were young. When the band met, there was this perfect fusion of what each member has tried in his own skin in all the past years and experience. It was the complete sharing of our passion and our lives' philosophy to generate our own pulse; our own sound.

HW: How, when, and where did DARK DOOR start?

DD: DARK DOOR [was] born from Psychoductor's and Noctifer's attitude for the gloomy themes of actuality, mirrored in what humankind has always tried to represent with horror plays, novels, [and] movies...

HW: How did the band's name come about, and what does it mean?

DD: We chose the name on the inspiration of what we mean with our music. The "Door" we represent is the path between the said and the unsaid in everyday life!

HW: Which bandmembers partake in the music writing?

DD: Psychoductor takes care of it; it's obvious that the final realization of every song is a sharing of our elaborations.

HW: Your music seems to deal heavily with philosophical, metaphysical, and mystical themes. Who or what has inspired you to create music that reflects these things?

DD: The consciousness that the ancient knowledge is not only a legend to scare children before sleeping. Instead, it is a metaphoric way to represent what has always been around us! So, according [to] Noctifer's studies about these things, she delivered lyrics the way they are.

HW: Who are your biggest musical influences or inspirations?

DD: We got no influence at all! The only target we have is to be ourselves, no one else!

HW: What was it like to play at the PALAROCKNESS in Rome back in April?

DD: Every live performance is a new sensation... so, [it's] a big emotion, anyway. The PALAROCKNESS... a great, "industrial" stage!

HW: Where is your favorite place to play live?

DD: There's no favorite place; we like any stage that gives us emotions and seems to share our music. It's the band that makes the stage, not the stage that makes the band!

HW: There are no tourdates listed on DARK DOOR's MySpace at the moment. When will you be playing next? Are you planning to tour?

DD: We like to play the surprise effect, obviously giving people the time and chance to reach us! So... wait for the next dates!

HW: Who would DARK DOOR most like to tour with?

DD: We will surely be honored to play with great names [in] music such as RAMMSTEIN, MARILYN MANSON, NINE INCH NAILS, etc.

HW: Where would you most like to tour and why?

DD: First of all, we would like to continue the tour around Italy, just because we need to show the people here that Goth-Metal Industrial is a possible reality in our country! After, we would tour [the rest of] Europe.

HW: What would you like to say to your international fans?

DD: To everyone who will listen to our music, we can say, in our mother tongue: "Noi siamo veri, siamo della Morte", because underneath our scary, oniric images there are real people with real ideas and real music!

HW: Do you have any words of wisdom or advice for people who want to make music?

DD: Just believe in yourselves and, first of all, in your music! Don't you sell your soul and identity to commerce highlights!

HW: Noctifer mentioned to me that the band is working on a demo. Is there a release date?

DD: Our demo, whose title we are revealing here, to HAILSwebzine, for the first time: Dark Door - Ver. 0.1, will be out for the first days of June.

HW: Where can fans access your music?

DD: On our webspaces, for now, where they can also find our next dates and news about the demo (see the band's MySpace here and the band's website here).

HW: What's next for DARK DOOR?

DD: There's an expansion of [our] international media [exposure] in act that's preparing the entrance of our demo!

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